sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009

Organização Campeonato K.S.I. do Mundo em Lisboa pela A.P.K.S.

2010 | O Ano Português

... Cerca de 700 praticantes, representando 21 países de todo o Mundo, disputarão em Lisboa, em Maio de 2010, o KSI | Karate World Championships | Campeonato do Mundo de Karate Shukokai.

Deverá constituir um evento internacional de grande nobreza e prestígio, sob os auspícios do Estado Português e da Cidade de Lisboa, uma das mais belas Capitais do Mundo.

A palavra de ordem é MOBILIZAÇÃO. Não contamos com nada menos que o melhor de todos, para empenhadamente assinarmos em conjunto um êxito sem precedentes.

It's an honour to receive the KSI Karate World Championships in Portugal, in 2010.

Within this great event, we are doing a persistent job near the portuguese young communities, in schools and other social | cultural institutions, aiming to develop a deeper understanding of modern karate and it's teatchings.
We are promoting Art Constests and Symposiuns about Karate and "Ocidental|Oriental Miscigenations", and his contemporaneous role in education, near the Portugueses Universities and other representative Institutions, trying to catch ordinary people to the real meaning of karate as phylosophic|social process.

After this Championships we hope that Shukokai, in Portugal, will be much stronger, representing it's fundamental role in the development of the young individualities as while as tomorrow's leaders and guides for the future. We are counting on you to develop this task.

Votes for ther biggest success and satisfaction among us.

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